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RAND Report on Multiscale Computational Modeling of the Human Body's Response to Blast Trauma

The Proceedings and Expert Findings from a U.S. Department of Defense International State-of-the-Science Meeting have been published. The full title is:

Toward a Unified Multiscale Computational Model of the Human Body's Immediate Responses to Blast-Related Trauma

The report summarizes the State of the Science meeting held August 16-17, 2022 at the RAND Corporation in Arlington, VA. The meeting was attended by PANTHER's Rika Carlsen, PhD.

The series aims to identify knowledge gaps in blast injury research; ensure that DoD medical research programs address existing gaps; foster collaboration between scientists, clinicians, and engineers in blast injury–related fields; promote information sharing on the latest research; and identify immediate short- and long-term actions to prevent, mitigate, and treat blast injuries

More than 60 scientists, clinicians, and military leaders provided scientific overviews, presentations, and posters describing new and emerging science in the field.

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