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New Opportunity: Dynamic Behavior of Hierarchical Materials

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position is available in Professor R. Thevamaran's laboratory at the Department of Engineering Physics of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study the dynamic behavior of hierarchical materials. The research will focus on design, synthesis, structural characterization, and quasistatic and dynamic characterization of carbon nanotube based hierarchical materials and composites, and their modeling. 

The candidate will get opportunities to work in an interdisciplinary multi-university and industrial partnership team to understand traumatic brain injury and develop new materials to address the challenges in preventing traumatic brain injury. Highly motivated scholars with PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, or Materials Science and Engineering with research expertise in impact mechanics is required. Prior experience in working with Kolsky bar/Split-Hopkinson pressure bar testing, direct impact testing, or plate impact testing is desirable.

Interested recent graduates, or students who will be graduating soon shall email Prof. Thevamaran with their CV, two significant publications, and a cover letter. The one-page cover letter should clearly describe your prior research experiences, research interests, and your fit to the research focus of Thevamaran Laboratory.

The Thevamaran laboratory offers the opportunity to work on challenging research problems as part of an energetic team with ample of opportunities for collaboration across disciplines. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is located in the City of Madison, which is known for its diverse community, high quality of life, and its natural beauty with multiple lakes and pleasant seasonal variations.



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